Book Review: The Christian Sabbath Examined,
Defended, and Applied By Brian M.Schwertley.
Reviewed by Richard Bacon
Copyright 1997 © First Presbyterian Church of Rowlett
Brian M. Schwertley's recent book, The Christian Sabbath Examined, Defended and
Applied, is a welcome addition to modern Lord's Day literature. Schwertley
begins his study lamenting the fact that the Sabbath is little respected or even
understood in this day. This is a complaint that this reviewer shares with Mr.
Schwertley, who is pastor of the RPCNA mission in Lansing, MI.
Because of this basic modern misunderstanding of the ordinance, Schwertley
establishes early that the Sabbath is both a creation ordinance and a vital part
of the moral law. Many today who oppose Sabbath observance do so in the mistaken
idea that the weekly rest was somehow peculiar to Israel in the Old Testament.
Some may think that the Sabbath was peculiar to Israel as a church under age
(thus making the Sabbath part of the ceremonial laws). Others assume that the
Sabbath may have been given to Israel as a nation peculiar in redemptive history
(thus making the Sabbath part of the judicial law for OT Israel). But if the
Sabbath is part of God's moral law, then it is no less binding today than is the
prohibition against idolatry or blasphemy or murder.
The author interacts well with the view of "theonomic anti-Sabbatarians" such as
Gary North that biblical Sabbath-keeping would mean the end of western
civilization as we know it. Schwertley points out that North's objections to
Sabbath keeping really amount to nothing but the time-honored tactic of erecting
a straw man for the express purpose of demolishing it. North claims that certain
professions key to an industrial economy preclude biblical Sabbath keeping. Of
course the fact that a minimal amount of labor is necessary to keep a blast
furnace running does not militate against Sabbath keeping. The fact that a
farmer fed his livestock even prior to the industrial revolution did not mean
that the Sabbath could not be kept in an agrarian economy. Thus it does not
follow that certain works of necessity which are at the very fringes of
consideration should be made the rule for that which is at the center of
There are two possible explanations for why people add to God's word. One is to
make themselves feel good because they have developed a list they can keep. That
was the heart and soul of Pharisaism. The other explanation is that some use the
additions to God's Word in order to ridicule God's righteous commandments. Thus
the Puritans, for example, are not remembered today for who and what they were
in reality, but for the Victorian caricature of them. Schwertley effectively
exposes the theonomic opposition to Sabbath keeping for the caricature that it
Schwertley explains that the Sabbath is a moral law, a positive law, and is a
creation ordinance. Because the Sabbath has both a moral and creation aspect it
must be for all men and not merely for Israel under the OT economy. As
Schwertley says, "The institution of the Sabbath has its ground in the very
fabric of creation, including man's nature." However, the Sabbath also has a
positive element grounded on nothing other than God's revealed will.
God chose the last day of the week to be the Sabbath from creation to the
resurrection of Christ. Since Christ's resurrection, the Sabbath has been on the
first day of the week (the Christian Sabbath). According to Schwertley, when we
understand the positive aspect of the Sabbath legislation it helps us to
understand and explain to judaizing groups such as Seventh-day Adventists that
God can change the day upon which the Sabbath is kept without breaking the
Sabbath. The positive aspect of the Sabbath also helps us to understand how acts
of necessity and mercy can be permitted on the Sabbath.
This reviewer does not agree altogether with Schwertley's conclusion that it
follows from this positive aspect that man has the prerogative to postpone the
Sabbath to another day of the week in the event of a natural catastrophe or
other emergency. That idea rather ignores the import of Christ's resurrection
and also places in the hands of men that which clearly is only in the hands of
the Lord of the Sabbath, Christ himself.
This small booklet is well worth the reading and the price. It is also "posted"
on the Internet at, [updated May 22,
2001, and it can be
downloaded from that site.
The subject that would have been good to see in this booklet, but which is sadly
lacking, is a discussion of the magistrate's role and responsibility toward the