Singing the Name of Jesus
The Psalm Singer "Can" Sing the Name of Jesus
by Richard Bacon
Copyright 2002 © First Presbyterian Church of Rowlett
An argument is sometimes made against the position of Exclusive Psalmody (the
position that one should only sing the inspired songs from the OT Psalms in
worship) that since the name of Jesus is not in the OT Psalms, that we must have
new hymns for the NT Church. I’ve always been a bit puzzled by the force of this
“argument.” I’ve seen the argument many times and expressed in a multitude of
ways, but when pressed I’ve never been able to get any of its advocates to put
it into a syllogistic form for me. Recently I’ve seen the suggestion that the
fact that one does not find the name of Jesus in the Psalter is evidence against
using the Psalter as an exclusive praise book. In order for that fact to count
as evidence however, it seems to me that a syllogism something like the
following would be needed:
We are commanded by Scripture to sing the name of Jesus.
The Psalter nowhere contains the name of Jesus.
Therefore the Psalter is insufficient as a songbook for the church.
However, what is generally proposed is something like:
It would be nice in my opinion to sing the name of Jesus.
The Psalter nowhere contains the name of Jesus.
Therefore I want to use some additional hymns that do contain the name of Jesus.
I do not think we are commanded anywhere in the OT to sing Jesus’ name anymore
than we are commanded in the NT to sing it, so I think the argument is a sort of
“red herring.” Why is the name of Jesus (an Anglicization of the Greek
transliteration of the Hebrew name Yehoshua) given to our savior? Because, as
Matthew 1:21 informs us, “he shall save his people from their sins.” For those
non-Hebraists reading this, he is called Yehoshuah (Joshua) because the Hebrew
word for salvation is – you guessed it, “Yoshuah.” I wonder how many hymns are
written using Jesus’ actual name that his mother or father who named him would
have recognized? Probably not many, if any at all. Aside: I would not be
surprised to find such hymns in Messianic congregations.
The Psalter is, however, replete with references to the Savior in his person,
work, titles, attributes, and yes even his name. In the Psalms Christ is
referred to by his “title” of Messiah (Greek = “Christ”). Of course, because in
the Psalms we often find the word translated into English (we should sing with
understanding as well as with spirit – 1 Cor. 14:15) we may not immediately
recognize it. Never mind – we should learn what Jesus’ name *means* and not
simply recite it as a mantra – I think all of us would agree with that
regardless of our view of exclusive or non-exclusive Psalmody.
So then, here is a non-exhaustive list of Psalms that we can sing whenever we
want to have Jesus’ title of Christ/Messiah/Anointed on our lips (I’ve included
the verse by reference):
Psalm 2:2; Psalm 18:50; Psalm 20:6; Psalm 28:8; Psalm 45:7 (verbal variant);
Psalm 84:9; Psalm 89:20 (verbal variant); Psalm 89:38; Psalm 89:51; Psalm
105:15; Psalm 132:10; Psalm 132:17.
I realize that it may be possible to sing these passages and have nothing other
than King David in view. That would be a terrible misunderstanding of the
Psalms, though. That would be like reading about the tabernacle without Christ
in view or “the seed of Abraham” without Christ in view. The New Testament does
not provide us with a new songbook in large measure because it teaches us how to
understand the songbook God gave his church for the ages. In fact, I would
maintain that there are some portions of the Psalms that are impossible to
understand without a view to Christ (e.g. Psalm 68:18).
But wait, that list includes Jesus’ title, but not his name Jesus. Yes, that is
correct. So, does singing the Psalter alone allow us to sing the name of Jesus?
Yes, it does if we recall that he is named Jesus because his name is actually
the Hebrew word for salvation. It would be more accurate for me to explain that
it is one of the Hebrew words for salvation. The Psalter uses two cognate words
for “salvation.” One is YShU`AH and the other is YSh`AH. If we note carefully,
the only difference is the presence or absence of the shureq (letter “u”). The
following list of Psalm verses speaks of the name YShU`AH, though you will
typically find it translated by the English word “salvation.” These are the
places that for all intents and purposes use the Hebrew word for the name of
Jesus. For the Hebraists on the list, I should add that there will often be
pronominal suffixes attached, but that does not change the fact that we are
singing the English translation rather than merely the transliteration of Jesus’
name. Think of singing “king of the world” in the place of the name “Vladimir”
or “Walter” and you will have a similar concept.
Psalm 3:8; 9:14; 13:5; 14:7; 20:5; 21:1, 5; 35:9; 38:22; 40:10, 16; 50:23;
51:14; 53:6; 62:1, 2, 6; 68:19; 69:29; 70:4; 71:15; 74:12; 78:22; 88:1; 89:26;
91:16; 96:2; 98:2, 3; 106:4; 116:13; 118:14, 15, 21; 119:41, 81, 123, 155, 166,
174; 140:7; 144:10; 149:4.
These verse numbers are all as found in the English Bible. Something that struck
me as I was researching Psalm 89 is that this is the restatement of the Davidic
covenant which clearly speaks of Christ and it also contains both his name
(translated as “salvation”) and his title “Christ” fully four times.
Here is the “bottom line” of all this. As William Binnie said in his masterful
work on the Psalms we must always read and sing the Psalms with one eye toward
David and the other eye toward Christ.