POSTSCRIPT to Calvin in the Hands of the
Philistines: Or, Did Calvin Bowl on the Sabbath?
By Chris Coldwell
Copyright 1998, Chris Coldwell
After this paper was finalized, the author was referred to an anti-Sabbatarian
site on the Internet that had the following quote from Winton Solberg’s Reedem
the Time – The Puritan Sabbath in Early America (Cambridge: Harvard University
Press, 1977), p. 19:
The Genevan, however, did not require observance every seventh day or only on
Sunday. In this respect he offers a precedent for the present-day practice of
conducting the main weekly worship service at a time (Thursday evening, for
example) that permits Christians to attend church before the start of a long
weekend. In Calvin’s Geneva, citizens were free to amuse themselves after Sunday
worship, and they did so with military drill and bowling. Calvin himself bowled
on Sunday and was buried on a Lord’s Day afternoon.
There are probably other examples of authors reciting the bowling tale, and
postscripts to this paper are not needed as each turns up; however, Solberg
provides a perfect example of how this tale lives by careless reference from one
generation to the next. His support for the bowling anecdote is, Douglas
Campbell, The Puritan in Holland, England and America, 4th ed. rev.; 2 vols.
(New York, Harper and Brothers, 1902), 2:157. Campbell wrote: "Calvin permitted
his young men to drill, and his old men to play at bowls, himself taking part at
times. Knox, when at Geneva, visited Calvin one Sunday evening, finding him at
his game, and on another occasion went to supper with a friend." One finds that
Campbell is relying on Stanley’s statement in his History of the Church of
Scotland (London, 1872), p. 113, already thoroughly dealt with by David Hay
Fleming. Campbell’s assertion that the young men drilled and the old men bowled
could have been uttered by Laud himself, yet Campbell provides no footnote
reference for the statement.
As shown already, Stanley was relying on Hessey (see p. * above), who was
relying on Disraeli. Thus the chain Hay Fleming first traced in Mathieson,
stretches now well into the 20th century -- Disraeli (1828) to Hessey (1860) to
Stanley (1872) to Campbell (1902) to Solberg (1977). The problem of course is
that everyone from Stanley forward has obscured the clear fact that Disraeli
calls the tale a tradition. What Hay Fleming wrote regarding Knox can be applied
to Calvin, Thus it is that history is falsified and good men slandered.