Keeping a Father's Commandment.
By Pastor Richard E. Bacon
Copyright 2001 © First Presbyterian Church of Rowlett
The text for this sermon has been transcribed and edited from: Domestic Duties
23: Keeping a Father's Commandment, preached on December 24, 1995.
It is necessary in our study of well ordered families for us to speak not only
to husbands and wives, not only to fathers and mothers, but also to children. In
Proverbs 6:20-21, Solomon spoke to one he repeatedly called, “My son.” He said,
“My son, keep thy father’s commandment, and forsake not the law of thy mother:
Bind them continually upon thine heart, and tie them about thy neck.” The word
here means to tie the commandments about the neck as an amulet or as an
ornament. I wonder if sometimes our children do not regard the commandments of
the Lord as they receive them from their parents, not as a beautiful ornament,
but rather as a yoke which is difficult to bear. Children do often think of
their parents’ requirements as a great burden. Therefore we must speak also to
children, because, children, the Bible does speak specifically to you.
I realize that it is sometimes difficult for children to sit quietly and listen
to God’s word. But Jesus told a story about birds that came around wherever
there were seeds being sown, and plucked the seeds out of the ground and ate
them. Jesus said that very thing also happens when the word of God is being
preached in our presence: Satan’s birds simply come and pluck it out of our
hearts if they can. I do not want that to happen to any of you children here. I
love you too much to want to see that happen. Therefore, I want you to listen. I
want you to pay close attention. Do not allow the Devil’s birds to pluck the
seed — the word of God — out of your hearts.
In Proverbs 6:20-22, there is a significant request that Solomon made of the one
he called, “My Son.” There he said, “Keep thy father’s commandment, and forsake
not the law of thy mother: Bind them continually upon thine heart, and tie them
about thy neck. When thou goest, it shall lead thee; when thou sleepest, it
shall keep thee; and when thou awakest, it shall talk with thee.” In order for
the law of God to be able to keep us, to guard us, to talk to us, and to lead
us, we have to have it with us. We have to know God’s commandments to be able to
keep them.
There are various warnings in the passage that leads up to these three verses.
Let us examine the warnings because I believe that there is a tendency for us as
God’s covenant people to surrender to complacency. We often regard God’s
covenant as placing no particular burden upon us. But in fact, by being born
into covenant families, we have a great burden, rather a great responsibility,
placed upon us. By virtue of our covenantal relationship to the church and by
virtue of our baptism we have not only certain high privileges that accrue to us
as members of the covenantal community, but we also have responsibilities that
accrue to us as well.
In verses 1 through 5, Solomon was eager that his son not keep bad company. “My
son, if thou be surety for thy friend, if thou hast stricken thy hand with a
stranger, Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth.” In Proverbs 13:20,
Solomon warned, “The companion of fools shall be destroyed.” Children, it is
important for us to choose our friends well. I know that there is a tendency for
us to think that because we have a covenant background, because we go to a
Christian school, because we come from a Christian home, or because we attend a
Reformed church, therefore we will be a good influence on all our evil friends.
That is not always true. You will not necessarily be a good influence on your
evil friends; but your evil friends will be an influence upon you. The Bible
warns covenant children repeatedly to choose their friends carefully. Children,
remember this. If we choose the wrong friends, if we choose friends among those
who are on their way to destruction, and if we walk with them, we are walking
toward destruction as well.
What advice did Solomon give here in verse 5? He urged his readers to “deliver
thyself as a roe from the hand of the hunter, and as a bird from the hand of the
fowler.” Run away! Do not keep company with evil friends. Deliver yourself from
the companionship of wicked people.
In verses 6 through 11, Solomon warned his son about being a sluggard. He said,
“Go to the ant; ... Consider her ways, and be wise.” The ant does not need
someone always standing over her, telling her what to do every moment of every
day. She looks for work; she is able to find work; she does good work. She
provides meat for the future. Solomon asked in verses 9 and 10, “How long wilt
thou sleep, O sluggard? when wilt thou arise out of thy sleep? Yet a little
sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep.” What will come
upon you if you avoid work? Will you find an easy life? No. You will find
poverty! There is no surer way of becoming poor than by doing nothing at all.
In verses 12 through 15, Solomon warned his son about lies and deceptions.
Solomon described a person who had become so skilled at lying that his entire
life was a lie. Solomon began in verse 12 by calling him a “naughty person.”
That is the man of Belial. In 2 Corinthians 6:15 Paul asked, “What concord hath
Christ with Belial?” That is the same word that we have translated here
“naughty.” He is a man of Belial, a man who has no thought of Christ in his
heart. He is a wicked man and he walks with a crooked mouth. This is the
standard Hebrew word here for “walk.” As he goes around, as he walks around, he
tells lies. He deceives people. It is his purpose as he speaks to plant
deception in the hearts of others. Not only does he lie with his mouth, however,
he also lies with his eyes, with his feet and with his fingers. As he winks the
eye, as he shuffles the feet, as he points with the finger, every gesture of his
life is a lie. He, who had begun to spin a web of deceit, becomes trapped in the
web himself. Soon everything that he does is controlled by his lies. He becomes
like that man in the iron cage at the Interpreter’s house of whom Bunyan spoke
in Pilgrim’s Progress. He was a man trapped by his own lies, unable to escape an
iron cage of his own making. Was the man’s interpretation of himself correct? I
do not know. The Interpreter told Christian, “Ask him.” And the man said, “What
I once was, I am now no more.”
Children, give heed to the warnings of God. Do not be like Eli’s sons. Do not be
like Samuel’s sons. They were children who grew up with every covenant privilege
and yet fell away at last. Children, do not let that happen to you! Do not
forsake your father’s commandments!
There is an interconnectedness — a progression — in such a shameful life. A
person who begins simply with bad companions, moves on to becoming a sluggard.
Then he has no care about duties and responsibilities. Finally his entire life
becomes a lie. Solomon moved forward yet one more step, and showed that such a
child’s entire life becomes corrupted by the lie he has been forced to live.
Proverbs 6:16-19, “These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an
abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent
blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running
to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord
among brethren.” This is the context, the background, against which Solomon
warned his son, “Keep thy father’s commandment, and forsake not the law of thy
Verse 27 warns of youthful lusts which follow an unholy life. Solomon asked,
“Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned?” Neither can a
man lust after a woman, and still be innocent.
You see, children, there are certain commands to covenant children. There are
promises of blessings in the way of obedience. There are also warnings of
destruction in the way of disobedience. Lord’s Day after Lord’s Day, I ask
myself, “Have I made the teaching plain? Have I made it clear? Have I set it out
where you, the children, can understand?” Children, if you live within the
church until your dying day, and if you live to be 70 years old, and if you hear
two sermons each Lord’s Day for those seventy years, you will have heard 7,000
sermons in your life. As you grow up in a Reformed church, as you hear the word
of God preached Lord’s Day upon Lord’s Day, the seed is planted. Lord’s Day
after Lord’s Day, the seed is scattered upon your heart. Will you let the birds
steal it? Will you let them take your birthright from you? What does it take for
the birds to steal the truth from your heart? According to Bunyan’s man in the
iron cage all it took was carelessness. He had become captive of his lies. The
man in the iron cage said that those things that were intended to him as
blessings now bit him day by day. Children, listen! Heed the warning! Keep on
the true course! Do not forsake the commandments of your father!
God has given specific commandments to covenant children. God also makes
specific promises to those who follow God and keep those commandments. We should
regard both.
I. Commandments to Covenant Children.
In every covenantal relationship there is a specific aspect that characterizes
the relationship in some way. The characterization of a parent’s relationship to
a child is that of nurture and admonishment; he is to raise up a child. The
relationship that a child should have to his parent is characterized primarily
by obedience. In some portions of Scripture that obedience is referred to as
honor. That is the first commandment that you must recognize from God. It is the
fifth commandment in order, but it is the first one that children must recognize
in their relationship to their parents. The fifth commandment is the foundation
for the entire relationship between a child and his parents. A child is
commanded to honor and obey his parents.
Exodus 20:12, “Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon
the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.” In this verse, God promises the
children of the covenant that if they honor their parents their lives shall be
long in the land. In Ephesians 6:2, Paul reminded us that the fifth commandment
is the first commandment with promise. In Hebrews 12:9, we are told to
“reverence” our parents. Actually it is not so much a command in this passage as
the apostle tells us that it is only natural that a child will reverence his
parents. God has placed reverence toward his own parents in the heart of a child
just as he placed love for his own children in the heart of a parent.
The first commandment with which covenantal children must concern themselves is
to honour, to love and to obey their parents.
You have responsibilities as well. In the first verses of Ephesians we see that
the book is addressed to the faithful in Christ Jesus and then in chapter 6,
Paul specifically talks to the children of the church. The children of the
covenant have a responsibility to be faithful in Christ Jesus. Children, we must
not, we cannot, shirk that responsibility.
Leviticus 19:3, “Ye shall fear every man his mother, and his father, and keep my
sabbaths: I am the LORD your God.” There is a responsibility not only to honour,
love and obey, but to fear, i.e. to reverence, our mother and our father and to
keep the Sabbath. In verse 32, we are told, “Thou shalt rise up before the hoary
head, and honour the face of the old man, and fear thy God: I am the LORD.”
These passages teach that there is a necessity for children to show reverence
and respect for their elders. There was a time when that was just considered a
part of the way children were raised. In the past, children were raised with a
respect for their elders. I fear with all the other ungodliness and lawbreaking
and antinomianism that we have in our society, even that respect for elders has
fallen by the wayside. That too has become a relic of the past. Children of the
past stood up in a classroom as a sign of respect when the teacher entered. The
children today shoot the teacher. There were possibly more instances of children
bringing guns into schools in this country last year than there were of them
rising up “before the hoary head.” We live in a society in which children are
not expected to stand up in the presence of their elders. They are not expected
to show respect. One of the results of this lack of respect is the need to have
metal detectors in the public schools to keep the weapons out.
These things are not happening without cause. These things are coming upon this
country because we have refused to keep God’s commandments. We have neglected
and contemned the word of the Lord. Because we have done these things, the
public schools are full of violence.
In Psalm 119:9, King David asked “Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his
way?” He answered his own question, “By taking heed thereto according to thy
word.” Children, it is necessary, it is needful, that we know the word of God,
even as young children. It is necessary for you to study Scriptures. It is
necessary for you to begin to pray. How soon should a child learn to pray? As
soon as the child can conceive prayer.
Psalm 148:12-13, “Both young men, and maidens; old men, and children: Let them
praise the name of the LORD: for his name alone is excellent; his glory is above
the earth and heaven.” How old should you be before you begin singing God’s
praise? How old should you be before you beginning memorizing God’s Psalms? You
should be learning God’s Word in the crib, even from the womb. There is no age
too early to have the praise of God upon our lips. Children, as well as old men;
children, as well as the maiden, are required to praise the name of the Lord.
All are called to praise the Lord for his goodness. To do that we must know
something about who God is.
We could spend much more time studying the first seven chapters of the book of
Proverbs. The young child whom Solomon called “my son,” is called upon to keep
God’s commandments. There is no verse in the Bible that teaches anything about
an age of accountability. We become accountable at the moment of conception.
Therefore early on — at a young age — Solomon required of his son in Proverbs
3:1, “Forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments.” It is not
enough to obey God, we must obey him promptly and we must obey him cheerfully.
We have to obey him from the heart. We cannot be like the rebellious child who
was required to sit down. He sat down but said, “I may be sitting down on the
outside, but I am standing up on the inside.” That is not the kind of obedience
that God requires of us. The kind of obedience that God requires of us is
cheerful, prompt and universal obedience. As soon as we learn what God’s
requirements are, we should set out to obey them.
Lamentations 3:27-29, “It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth.
He sitteth alone and keepeth silence, because he hath borne it upon him. He
putteth his mouth in the dust; if so be there may be hope.” Jeremiah explained
that it is good for us to learn how to deal with afflictions early in life. God
requires of us, early on, to learn how to deal with affliction.
John Bunyan wrote of Christian at the house of the Interpreter. In that house,
two twins were sitting side by side, one named Patience and the one named
Passion. Passion had never learned to bridle himself. He had never learned self
control. When any temptation came along, he would be angered. Whenever the first
reward came along, he grabbed at it, regardless of its source. But Patience sat
waiting until the last. The Interpreter explained that he who receives early
will have it taken away to give to the next, and then it will be taken away from
that one to give to the next, and so on. But he who receives last receives
permanently. That is what “lasts” means. Jesus taught that many who are last,
shall be first in the kingdom. A child early in life must learn patience. It is
one of the hardest lessons to learn. We go through our entire life trying to
learn that lesson. How much better it would be for us to learn it in our youth!
As Jeremiah here reminds us in Lamentations that it is good for a man to bear a
yoke in his youth, because he puts his “mouth in the dust; if so be there may be
In Deuteronomy 30:2, our children are required to obey God. In Proverbs 24:21,
they are told to fear God. In Ecclesiastes 12:1, Solomon said, “Remember now thy
Creator in the days of thy youth.” At the very beginning of the book of
Proverbs, as Solomon began to speak to that one he called “my son,” he reminded
him that it requires diligence to serve the Lord. In Proverbs 1:8-14, Solomon
warned, “My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of
thy mother: For they shall be an ornament of grace unto thy head, and chains
about thy neck. My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not. If they say,
Come with us, let us lay wait for blood, let us lurk privily for the innocent
without cause: Let us swallow them up alive as the grave; and whole, as those
that go down into the pit. ... Cast in thy lot among us; let us all have one
purse.” Hear Solomon’s advice: “Just say no!” In verse 15 his advice is, “My
son, walk not thou in the way with them; refrain thy foot from their path.” Do
not take that first step! Attend diligently upon your parents’ teaching.
God made Adam as an adult. He could make all of us out of the dust. He has the
power to do that. Yet God has chosen for his glory and our good rather than
being made as an adult from the dust, as was Adam, each one of us would be
raised by earthly parents. God has intended that for our good. If we harken to
our parents, it is for our good. But, children, if we do not harken to our
parents, when they remind us repeatedly… If we do not harken to our pastor, when
he reminds us repeatedly… I fear that like Bunyan’s man in the iron cage, these
things shall all come up later and bite us. They shall rise up in the judgment
to testify against us. “He sinned against the light!”
II. Promises to children who follow God
God made promises to those who follow him. We saw that Paul characterized the
fifth commandment as the first commandment with promise. That promise is to live
long and prosper. That is the promise! If you want to live long and prosper,
children, obey your parents. In Exodus 20:12, at the very giving of the fifth
commandment, there was a promise that those who keep that commandment shall live
long upon the earth. If we forget not the law of our father, if we forsake not
the law of our mother, listen to what God promises to us. Proverbs 3:4, “So
shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man.”
Would you like to find favour? Would you like to find understanding? Would you
like to find grace? Then diligently attend upon God’s word. Listen to your
parents and to those who stand in the place of your parents.
Two verses later, in verse 6 the Bible tells us, “In all thy ways acknowledge
him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Children, how many of you would like a
small child telling you what to do all the time? Is that a good idea? No, but
that is what you often do. You let a child exactly your age tell you what to do
when you direct your own path. Is that wise? No, it is much wiser to have
someone who has walked with the Lord for a number of years telling you what to
do. Which makes more sense? It simply makes more sense to have a person with
experience, with knowledge, with wisdom, and with understanding helping us to
direct our paths. That is exactly why God gave you parents. They have been
through it. They have been where you are right now. They know most of the
temptations that you are facing. God gave godly parents as a gift to you. You
should make good use of that gift.
Proverbs 3:6, “In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”
That does not mean you are going to have visions in the middle of the night
telling you what to do. It means that if keep the law of your father and forsake
not the law of your mother, and if in all your ways you acknowledge God, then he
will direct your path by those very means. This is not magic! This is the
ordinary way of God’s grace.
Proverbs 3: 9 - 10, “Honour the LORD with thy substance ... so shall thy barns
be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine.” Live long
and prosper! Do what your parents say! Follow their advice! Listen to their
admonitions! Submit to their corrections!
Proverbs 8:17, “I love them that love me; and those that seek me early” [that is
early in life, not just early in the day] “shall find me.” God promises that if
you seek him early in life, you will find him. What a precious promise! What
would the man in the iron cage have given in exchange for that promise? Sadly,
that was the biggest part of his problem — he did not value God’s promises.
Proverbs 8: 32-36, “Now therefore hearken unto me, O ye children: for blessed
are they that keep my ways. Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not.
Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the
posts of my doors. For whoso findeth me findeth life, and shall obtain favour of
the LORD. But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that
hate me love death.” God is setting before you life or death. If you would
choose death, all you have to do is hate God’s ways. If you would choose life,
then you must choose God’s ways.
You might say, “But I do not hate God. I do not hate his ways. I do not hate the
things of the Lord. Here I am at church with my parents and they did not even
have to wake me up this morning. I was already awake!” If the Lord has so moved
in your heart that is good. But I want to teach you something about what it
means to hate something.
Turn with me to Genesis 29. This is part of the story of Jacob. Jacob was
tricked by Laban. He had worked seven years for Rachel, but then on his wedding
night, it turned out to be Leah that he had married. He still wanted to marry
Rachel. Genesis 29:30-31, “And he went in also unto Rachel, and he loved also
Rachel more than Leah.” What was his relationship to Leah? He simply loved
Rachel more. But look how God characterized Jacob’s relationship with Leah. “And
when the LORD saw that Leah was hated…” Children, all you have to do is think
less of God’s ways than you ought to, all you need to do is think lowly of God’s
commandments, all you have to do is resist correction, and by God’s standards,
that is hatred of his ways.
Wisdom cries out, “All they that hate me, love death.” Do we have to grind our
teeth against wisdom to hate it? No! All we have to do is think more lowly of it
than we ought. All we have to do is ignore the fact that the birds are plucking
the seed out of our hearts to end up like the man in the iron cage. He cries
that he is no longer what he once was.
There is a promise of life versus death for those who love God; for those who
keep his commandments.
In Proverbs 23:15-16, there is a promise also. God says through Solomon, “My
son, if thine heart be wise, my heart shall rejoice, even mine. Yea, my reins
shall rejoice, when thy lips speak right things.” Children, do you want to make
your parents glad? God promises that if you keep his commandments, it will cause
your parents to rejoice. It will make your parents proud of you. It will make
them happy.
Look at verses 24-25, “The father of the righteous shall greatly rejoice: and he
that begetteth a wise child shall have joy of him. Thy father and thy mother
shall be glad, and she that bare thee shall rejoice.”
Is that the relationship we want to have with our father and mother? Of course
it is! And therefore, we keep our father’s commandments and we forsake not the
law of our mother, because we want our parents to rejoice and we want them to be
proud of us.
In Isaiah 40:11, we are promised that those who are the lambs of God will be
gathered by the shepherd. Isaiah 54:13, “All thy children shall be taught of the
LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children.” We are promised that those
children who keep God’s commandments shall be taught by the Lord.
Children, if we want the blessing of Christ; if we want wisdom; if we want our
parents to rejoice; if we want life; if we want long life; if we want
prosperity; if we want our lives to count; then remember the admonition from
Proverbs. What is the requirement? What is the commandment? The commandment is
“keep the law of thy father and forsake not the law of thy mother.”