Images of Christ: Indifferent Imaginations?
By Christopher Coldwell
The Case Against Images at Meetings of North Texas
Presbytery (PCA)
Copyright 1996 © First Presbyterian Church of Rowlett
This paper deals with the presence of representations of Christ at meetings of
church courts in a denomination where the unlawfulness of such images is a
doctrine presently left open to exception. The Westminster Standards condemn
such representations as unlawful, yet in the PCA ministers are ordained who take
exception to that teaching. Yet, those who think such images are unlawful and
offensive to God, are not without scriptural recourse even when the majority
believe such representations are lawful in their nature. The North Texas
Presbytery of the PCA was petitioned last April by a ruling elder at FPCR, to
cover any images that would be present at meetings of presbytery. This article
was written to support that petition. While that was the particular occasion of
this paper, the arguments herein are scriptural principles which can be applied
to many other situations, within the limitations set forth. The session of FPCR
felt this article would be useful and interesting to the readership of The Blue
Banner, and it is reproduced with slight changes in this edition, at their
urging. Other materials relating to the unlawfulness of such representations
follow this piece.
It is certainly a shame to say the least that a little bit of colored glass or
paint should be deemed more worthy of respect than even the least of one of the
Lord's redeemed. However, for some people this is the case. On July 23rd, North
Texas Presbytery essentially refused Elder Seekamp's [Text of Petition] petition
by sending it back to die in committee.
Many in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) see nothing wrong with
'representations' of our Lord Jesus, and believe that it is a matter of
indifference whether one has them or not. David Seekamp (RE, First Presbyterian
Rowlett) holds to the position of the Westminster Confession and Catechisms,
which has not been deleted or modified in the PCA's standards. They teach that
purported images of Christ or any of the persons of the Trinity are unlawful,
and that the making of them is not an indifferent matter. However, given the
current state of this question in the PCA, he is not seeking for a determination
that they are unlawful in their nature, but he is seeking for a restriction of
their use. Elder Seekamp is simply entreating that his conscience be respected,
and that a church hosting presbytery meetings cover or take down any images
present for the duration of the presbytery meeting, and where that is
impractical, that the meeting be held elsewhere.
Theologians divide actions into categories. Note2 Actions are lawful when they
may be done. Some lawful actions are necessary in that they may not be left
undone. Actions which may be either left undone, or done, are called
indifferent. Some indifferent actions are expedient in that they may be done
profitably – others which due to circumstances are unprofitable have become
inexpedient and are not to be done. These might be diagrammed as follows:
As Protestants it is hoped that no one in the PCA would contend that
'representations' of the Godhead are necessary. The disagreement in the church
is presumably between those who with the standards contend that they are
unlawful at all times, and those who contend that some 'representations' are a
matter of indifference. However, just because something is indifferent and may
be done, does not mean it is expedient and may be done profitably. If one side
says something is indifferent, and the other that it is unlawful, then the
conscience of the latter should be respected. The following is an attempt to
show that those who believe images are in their nature indifferent must respect
the consciences of those who believe them to be unlawful.
Something may be indifferent in its nature (or we might say 'in theory'), but
not in its use. Note3 The use of things indifferent is subject to the
circumstances surrounding it: Who, What, Where, By what aid, Why, How, and When.
These circumstances can change the situation surrounding an action which might
be indifferent otherwise, so that it is no longer. If a practice is truly
indifferent (which for the sake of argument we are allowing in this case), then
we must follow what the Scriptures say about indifferent things.
One of our Scottish Presbyterian fathers has said, "Every thing which is
indifferent in the nature of it, is not by and by indifferent in the use of it.
But the use of a thing indifferent ought evermore to be either chosen or
refused, followed or forsaken, according to these three rules delivered to us in
God's word: 1. The rule of piety; 2. The rule of charity; 3. The rule of
purity." Note4
All things are to be done to the glory of God. 1 Cor. 10:31. "Whether,
therefore, ye eat or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God."
Rom. 14:7-8. "For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself. For
whether we live, we live unto the Lord, and whether we die, we die unto the
Lord." Col. 3:17. "And whatsoever ye do, in word or deed, do all in the name of
the Lord Jesus." As Gillespie says: "Our whole life, and by consequence, all the
particular actions of it, ought to be referred to God's glory, and ordered
according to his will." Westminster Shorter Catechism #1 says, "Man's chief end
is to glorify God, and enjoy him forever." Dr. Davenant says, "Even those
actions which are indifferent by their own nature, ought nevertheless to be done
by Christians in the name of Christ, that is, according to the will of Christ,
and to Christ's glory." Note5
What this means is that just because some thing or some action is indifferent in
its nature, we cannot use that thing or perform that action any way we please.
It is governed by the will of God, and with an eye to his glory. A general
precept of Christ is that we are to "Love our neighbor as ourself." Things
indifferent are forborne out of love toward our neighbor, even more out of love
for brothers in the Lord. It does not glorify Christ to choose the use of an
indifferent thing over the well-being of any of his people.
This rule teaches us that we should not use anything indifferent when offense
will occur when we do. Rom. 14:21. "It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to
drink wine, nor anything whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is
made weak." Rom. 14:19. "Let us therefore follow after the things which make for
peace, and the things wherewith one may edify another." Rom. 15:2. "Let every
one of us please his neighbor for his good to edification." 1 Cor. 10:23. "All
things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are
lawful for me, but all things edify not." As one commentator says, "In meat,
drink, and the whole kind of things indifferent, it is not enough to look
whether they be lawful, but that, further, we are to look whether (to do or
omit) the same be expedient, and may edify." Note6
The Rule of Charity in essence is the avoiding of offending our Christian
brethren. James Durham defines offense (the old word was scandal) this way: "For
if charity and love are the end of the law, and men ought not only to seek their
own things, but the things one of another, and love their neighbor as
themselves, then ought they to seek their neighbor's edification as their own,
and to eschew the prejudging [prejudicing] of them. Hence, scandal is opposite
that charity and love, and also to that respect which we ought to carry to our
brother (Rom. 14:10, 15). Yea, it is a scandal and offense as it is opposite to,
and inconsistent with, love to his spiritual well-being. And so in a word, that
which may impede and hinder his spiritual growth and advancement therein, is an
offense and scandal (Rom. 14:21)." It "hurts his spiritual condition, either by
wronging his liveliness, or activity, or comfort, etc." Note7 1 John 3:18. "My
little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in
This rule "respects our peace and certainty of conscience, without which
anything is unclean to us, though it is clean and lawful in its own nature."
Rom. 14:14. "To him that esteemeth anything to be unclean, to him it is
unclean." "Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind." Rom 14:23. "He
that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith; for
whatsoever is not of faith is sin." Calvin says, "It is utterly wrong to come
near in any respect to what you think displeases the Lord, yes indeed, even to
what you are not convinced is pleasing to him." Note8
The Rule of Purity involves the doctrine of Liberty of Conscience. "God alone is
lord of the conscience and hath left it free from the doctrines and commandments
of men." WCF 20:II. True liberty of conscience is certainly not the liberty to
break God's law in neglecting duty or in committing sin. But it is also not the
liberty to do anything-else we please. As rule one teaches us, we are to do
everything to the glory of God, and if there is no peace of conscience in a
matter, then we are to avoid it. Liberty of conscience is violated when by
authority or example we lead someone to violate his conscience in a matter he is
in doubt about, or thinks unlawful. There is no true church authority that can
violate this conscience by imposing doctrines of men, and we should avoid all
bad example which would have an ill bearing on a brother's case of conscience.
Gillespie concludes discussing these three rules by saying: "Now if a thing
indifferent is used according to these three rules, the use of it is not only
lawful but expedient also; but if it is not used according to these rules, the
use of it is altogether unlawful. And since a thing indifferent in the nature of
it can never be lawfully used, except according to these rules, hence it
follows, that the use of a thing indifferent is never lawful to us when we have
no other warrant for using the same beside our own will and pleasure." Note10
Elder Seekamp's certainty that it is unlawful to make 'representations' of any
person of the Godhead clearly means rule three, the Rule of Purity, cannot be
meet in this case. Rule two, the Rule of Charity, shows that those who do not
agree that they are unlawful, must prefer the offended brother over the thing
they believe to be indifferent. Regarding rule one, if Elder Seekamp is correct,
then the images can never be used to God's glory, because it is in accordance
with his will they not be made. If on the other hand, they are truly
indifferent, they cannot glorify God in this case because they offend some
brethren who do not see their indifference, and we can only glorify the Lord by
obeying his rules regarding the use of indifferent things (rules two and three).
So, in following these biblical rules, it is clear in the present case Elder
Seekamp's request that such things not be present at presbytery meetings must be
1. Any objection that is offered which prefers having the images present, over
the objections of conscience, changes the nature of the debate. At that point,
the images have ceased being simply viewed as indifferent, and are now viewed as
necessary; so necessary, that they are more important than our brother's liberty
of conscience. This necessity cannot be proved from Scripture; but it must be
proved to override and instruct consciences. Note11 So, lest there be confusion
here, it should be clear that those who believe something is indifferent cannot
argue as though they were the weaker brother, and plead for the use of things
indifferent. The offense from indifferent things comes in their use, not their
non-use. When the use of something is insisted upon, it is no longer
indifferent, but it has become necessary, and must have scriptural warrant.
To reiterate again, the position Elder Seekamp holds in conscience (that such
images are unlawful) is the historic Reformed view, and the one taken by the
Westminster Standards. Since there is divided practice on this issue in the PCA,
and a difference of opinion in practice allowed, then the rules of things
indifferent should be followed to keep peace in the church. It shows preference
and love toward brethren when we show esteem toward their consciences more than
things. This also works to build peace in the church.
2. Objections might be given limiting the impact of the Apostle Paul's teachings
on the weak and strong in this particular case. How could they be limited?
(1) It might be objected, 'These teachings of Paul don't apply to this case.' If
these 'pictures' are really indifferent (there are no other choices if they are
not necessary, nor unlawful) then Paul's teachings apply to determine their
expediency. Romans 14:15, etc. "Destroy not him with thy meat, for whom Christ
died It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor anything whereby
thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak." It is clear by
'anything' Paul is talking about all things indifferent.
(2) The strong might say, 'Surely, we are not to put up with this inconvenience
forever' (limiting the duration). Yet Paul's teaching is clear (1 Cor. 8:13),
"Wherefore, if meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the
world standeth, lest I make my brother to offend." As long as the possibility of
offense exists, the rule stands: forbear doing whatever it is that might offend.
(3) Someone might object that so and so is a trouble maker, or he is only one
person, and of little consequence (limiting to whom the Scriptures apply). Yet
again Paul's teaching is clear (1 Cor. 10:32): "Give none offense, neither to
the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God." This encompasses all
types of persons; even everybody on earth (inside or outside the church).
(4) A limitation of Paul's rule might be imposed because of the perception that
the effect on the weak is not serious enough to warrant the bother of
accommodating them. 'There is a certain inconvenience in removing these
"representations," and the small discomfort it causes others is not a strong
enough reason to cause us to undergo them. It's not like these "pictures" are
causing you to sin. After all, you're claiming they're unlawful; you certainly
aren't going to misuse them. And others may be offended if we remove them.'
(a) Paul says we are to take care lest we stumble, offend or make weak. James
Durham correctly understands this verse, as we quoted above, when he says: "And
so in a word, that which may impede and hinder his spiritual growth and
advancement therein, is an offense and scandal (Rom. 14:21)." It "hurts his
spiritual condition, either by wronging his liveliness, or activity, or comfort,
etc." Note12 Is there really any mere inconvenience which would check us in our
care of our brother's spiritual condition?
(b) The bottom line is not whether or not it is actually causing brothers to
sin. Paul does not limit it to this, and Durham clearly draws out the
implications from Rom. 14:21. As far as whether or not it is a cause of sin, how
can any determine what is in another's mind or heart, and so be assured these
'representations' are not a cause of sin? They certainly have that potential;
but the danger is even greater for those who think they are lawful. Could some
be attaching too much sentiment to them; could they be attaching a superstitious
religious significance to them? It is not just those like David Seekamp one
needs to be concerned about stumbling, offending, or making weak; but those also
who may be over-valuing these 'pictures.'
(c) Why would others be offended by ceding to Elder Seekamp's petition. This
petition is only seeking a temporary removal or covering of the images for the
time in which presbytery meets, for the sake of the consciences of those who
think them unlawful. If any group must be chosen not to offend, then it must be
those who believe that these 'representations' are unlawful. Additionally, there
is much more potential evil in not removing them (fostering superstition, etc.).
Whether it is the least of our brethren that we may offend, or in the least
extent, or in the least thing, the law of the Apostle stands: "For meat destroy
not the work of God."
3. It has been suggested that Elder Seekamp remove himself during the worship
services at presbytery as a way to alleviate his conscience. However, Mr.
Seekamp finds the bare existence of images unlawful. It is not his understanding
that images are lawful as long as they are not worshipped. Presently, both
positions are held in the PCA. This present petition is not over which position
is correct. If images are indifferent in nature, then they cannot be forced on
someone's conscience. Besides, the mere suggestion that he absent himself from
the worship services shows an inappropriate preference toward these supposed
indifferent things, rather than a desire borne of love to bear with a brother in
a case of conscience. We should be able to worship together, and desire to do
so. It should not be (and cannot be) so important for one to impose an
unnecessary practice or belief on everyone that we banish people from the
worship of God.
4. There might be an objection over allowing the 'weak brother' to set the
agenda for the church, and 'raining on the parade of the strong.' However,
first, Elder Seekamp is only taking the position of the 'weaker brother' because
he is viewed in that capacity by those who view themselves to be the strong
brethren. Point in fact, as has been said before, the confessional position
supports Elder Seekamp, while the other view and practice is permitted and
tolerated. Be this as it may, that the truly weak brother should not 'set the
agenda for the church,' it is important to note that one soul is worth more than
any practice or thing which we can live without. The parade the weak may 'rain
upon' may not be worth making much of a fuss over. For a while at least (Paul
says forever), we can live without the thing that is indifferent. Paul certainly
places the burden on 'not doing,' when he says, "I will never again eat meat,
lest I make my brother stumble" (1 Cor. 8:13). The strong's parade is not worth
the stumbling of a brother. Besides, we shouldn't view the commands of God which
say to be careful lest we stumble the weak, as their having a 'trump card' over
the church's agenda. Things indifferent are not the church's agenda. The gospel
is not indifferent, nor are God's ordinances of government and worship. The weak
have no claim to change these, the church's true agenda.
5. An objection might be raised against the whole drift of this argumentation.
'Elder Seekamp, after all, believes these 'pictures' are unlawful. We're
claiming they're indifferent. Argue fairly!'
There is nothing unfair in arguing this way. It is precisely biblical and
logical. Just because the concession is made that the 'lawfulness' question is
impractical to press at the present time, does not mean David Seekamp has
abandoned any rights he may lawfully press from Scripture. Since those who
disagree with him claim these 'pictures' are indifferent, he asks that he be
treated biblically according to that position (which consistency and integrity
requires). One cannot both claim something is indifferent, and abandon the
protections accorded by Scripture to those who think that thing unlawful.
6. The objection might be raised: 'Indeed, Paul's teachings on things
indifferent do apply, for he writes (Rom. 14:1): "Him that is weak in the faith
receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations." This is a doubtful disputation,
so it should not be discussed further.'
It is hoped that no one would actually pose this objection, and that all would
cringe who hear it, no matter what their position on the subject. Mr. Seekamp's
position is not a doubtful disputation. It is the majority report of the
Reformed Faith. The view has precise and biblical arguments supporting it. The
Westminster Standards teach this judgment as doctrine from Scripture, nor does
it hold a minor place among the many doctrines taught therein. It is held by the
majority of the Reformed theologians before and since the production of these
Besides, what does the Apostle mean here in Romans 14:1? He surely can't mean
every time there is a difference of opinion, it is a doubtful disputation, and
it should not be discussed. And if it is a doubtful disputation, what is Paul's
remedy? This is not an escape clause to end debate and disregard the views of
the weak. Debate should end (if it is a doubtful disputation), but the strong
are to rest quiet in their faith, and are not to offend the weak. James Durham's
understanding of this passage is helpful (see footnote). Note14
7. A final objection might be raised, and indeed it has been by implication, in
the RPCES report on the use of 'pictures' of Christ. Note15 It is contended that
these images are not just indifferent in nature, but they are (1) profitable
(expedient) and even (2) necessary to be used. Following the conclusions of the
report, one could object to protests against images along these two lines.
(1) The report does not just argue for the lawfulness of 'representations' of
Christ, but seriously contends for their use despite potential abuses. The
report says, "Recognizing that caution in the making of portraits of Christ is
indicated, what are we to say about the use of pictures? While permissible, are
pictures of Christ to be encouraged? Yes. For one thing God's Word itself
encourages the picturing of events. The description of Christ entering Jerusalem
on 'Palm Sunday' is but one of the great events in the life of our Lord on earth
which call forth mental pictures. For another thing, pedagogy, particularly with
children, calls for depicting of events in the life of our Lord – if art has any
place in the life of a Christian, should it not find expression in the sphere of
that which is of great importance to the believer – the events of Jesus' life
and death and resurrection?" Note16
Note that these two reasons, (a) that because the Scriptures can call forth
mental images, we should make actual images, and (b) pedagogy, are merely
assertions. They are not proved from Scripture.
(a) Just because Scripture may encourage something, does not mean we can ignore
its clear teaching on other subjects, namely the laws of the use of things
indifferent. However, is it really true that because the Scriptures are vivid,
or descriptive, or written in a way that impresses the various truths home, that
this is an encouragement in and of itself to draw pictures of those events?
Where is the logic here to indicate this conclusion? What about Adam and Eve
naked in the garden? The slaughter of the Canaanites? David's adultery with
Bathsheba? Onan's sin? Each of these events can impress the imagination with
images, but does not the imagining, let alone the actual representing of such
events, present occasions to sin, if indeed they are not sin by their very
creation? These events are just as much the Word of God as the events of
Christ's life. Two of these events cited are not sinful in any way (Adam and Eve
were naked in the garden before the Fall; the slaying of the Canaanites was a
righteous act commanded by God). The other two events are sinful acts. Yet all
the events if dwelt upon in the mind, or drawn, present certain temptations to
the senses: The lust of the flesh, and the lust for violence. Even if such
events are lawful to depict, are they not still subject to the laws of things
indifferent? It is admitted by the report that there is a real temptation to
misuse these 'representations' of Christ, so how can they be expedient? Surely
this 'encouragement' from Scripture does not exist; clearly there is no argument
from expediency for producing images of Christ.
To be encouraged and even called desirable in their use, these images must be
profitable and expedient according to the three rules previously laid down.
However, due to offense, Note17 these 'pictures' cannot be profitable, therefore
how can they be encouraged? Again, just because something may be lawful in the
nature of it, does not mean it is lawful in its use. Not everyone will be
persuaded by the arguments presented in that report for the lawfulness of such
images. Those like Elder Seekamp are persuaded that the understanding of
Scripture had by the majority of our Presbyterian faith fathers (from Calvin and
Knox through Dabney and Thornwell, to Prof. John Murray), is correct and
compelling on this issue of the unlawfulness of 'picturing' Christ.
(b) The RPCES paper says pedagogy 'calls for' the use of images. If by 'calls
for' they simply mean it is a good idea, then the expediency of the images is
still determinable by the laws of indifferent things already discussed, and it
does not matter what pedagogy 'calls for.' The report admits that
'representations' of Christ present a danger of idolatry: how can they be
desirable or profitable and expedient for instructing adults, let alone our
children, with such an inherent danger? If we are to avoid even the appearance
of evil, we should avoid anything which has such a propensity not only for
apparent evil, but real stumbling and idolatry.
If by 'calls for' they mean images are necessary, then, again, it doesn't matter
if pedagogy requires it – if Scripture doesn't show a necessity it cannot be
required. The report never even attempts to show from God's Word how the use of
'pictures' is required in religious instruction, which is absolutely necessary
to press their use on the whole church.
Even if these two arguments showed the lawfulness of using 'representations' of
Christ, yet they are still inexpedient because of the reasons formerly set down.
These arguments cannot justify having these images present at presbytery
meetings when they may cause offense. It is certainly hard to see the expediency
of the elders of the church having to be instructed by images. And while it may
be argued that these are lawful as an expression of art; yet this doesn't remove
the objection due to offense. There is no reason for that art to remain anywhere
it may cause offense.
(2) An attempt is made in this RPCES report to present 'picturing' Christ as
necessary to avoid error. "Moreover, since the Biblical teaching on the
incarnation insists upon taking seriously the full humanity of Christ, pictures
of the episodes of Christ's life are not only permissible but desirable. To fail
to represent Christ while representing the disciples would present only a
Docetic view of Christ, a denial of His true humanity. To fail to represent
disciples and Christ in pictorial form would tend to convey the notion that the
incarnation wasn't important enough to picture, or that non-verbal
representation of the gospel and gospel history is not valid. But to take this
position would require us to re-examine our use of such non-verbal symbols as
the cross as we make use of them in our sanctuaries and homes." Note18
Here is a strange dilemma. We are cautioned about images of Christ because of
the tendency toward idolatry they present, Note19 yet we are told we must have
'pictures' of Christ to avoid having erroneous doctrinal views!?! No Scripture
is cited to show that these implications necessarily flow from not having
'representations' of Christ. And we certainly don't want to be placed in a
position of having to reexamine our other notions of symbols by calling them
into question! This is sarcastic, but it is strange that the committee was
willing to reexamine Larger Catechism #109 and recommend changing it, while it
was unwilling to submit this area to examination. Not everyone believes in using
crosses in their churches and homes. Note20 Also, usually it is contended that
it is lawful to 'picture' Christ's humanity, yet this committee calls for
representing Christ's incarnation! How did they figure on representing Christ's
deity – with a halo such as depicted in the 'artwork' provided with their
report? Note21 One would have thought that the two differing sides on this
question would have at least agreed that 'picturing' Christ's deity is breaking
the second commandment.
Early in this paper it was hoped no one would seriously press for these
'pictures' as necessary, yet we find this argument in a paper prepared and
received by the highest court of a denomination (now part of the PCA). And if
this is necessary nothing is; for they say failing "to represent Christ while
representing the disciples would present only a Docetic view of Christ, a denial
of His true humanity." Since it is always necessary to avoid error, it therefore
is necessary to have these images of Christ! This means that the medieval church
was less likely to be in error on the humanity of Christ, than the Reformed
Churches of the Reformation, and that all our Presbyterian Reformers sinned
because they condemned images of Christ, which were necessary to prevent falling
into error regarding the nature of Christ! One has to wonder what the authors of
the RPCES report were thinking, or if they simply had their end in view and
didn't take too careful of a route getting there.
There are no arguments that would prove that these images must remain present at
presbytery meetings despite offense. Again, what needs to be proved to disregard
the offense, is that they are necessary to be present by Scripture precept.
These arguments from art, pedagogy and the incarnation, are speculative at best,
and, as far as proving any necessity, not very convincing, if not in fact
1. Consider the reasonableness of Elder Seekamp's petition, and the
unreasonableness of refusing it. All he is asking, is that when he comes among
his fellow presbyters to carry out the duties Christ has laid upon him as a
ruling elder in His church, these things which are offensive to him be removed
from sight or covered. When he is not present, those to whom these 'pictures'
belong may do as they wish. If these images are indifferent to those who believe
them to be lawful, they should be no more important than a chalk board or a
piece of furniture. How unreasonable it would be not to remove something so
unimportant, if it were the cause of an offense!
2. Consider the great and necessary biblical duties commanded us, and the utter
insignificance these supposed indifferent 'pictures' stand in comparison to
these injunctions of Christ. Romans 14:15-15:3. "Destroy not him with thy meat,
for whom Christ died For meat destroy not the work of God. It is good neither to
eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor anything whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is
offended, or is made weak. … Let everyone of us please his neighbour for his
good to edification." 1 Cor. 8:9, 13. "But take heed lest by any means this
liberty of yours become a stumbling-block to them that are weak. Wherefore, if
meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the world standeth,
lest I make my brother to offend." 1 Cor. 6:7,12. "Now therefore there is
utterly a fault among you, because ye go to law one with another. Why do ye not
rather take wrong? why do ye not rather suffer yourselves to be defrauded? … All
things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient." 1 Cor. 10:32.
"Give none offense, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church
of God." 1 John 2:9-10. "He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his
brother, is in darkness even until now. He that loveth his brother abideth in
the light, and there is none occasion of stumbling in him."
3. Consider the danger of neglecting these clear commands and teachings of our
Lord Jesus. Matthew 18:6-8. "For whoso shall offend one of these little ones
which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about
his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe unto the world
because of offenses! for it must needs be that offenses come; but woe to that
man by whom the offense cometh! Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee,
cut them off, and cast them from thee …"
4. Consider, once again, that Elder Seekamp's position that such images are
unlawful, is the position of the Westminster Standards, the statement of faith
of Presbyterianism for nearly the last 350 years – standards he has vowed to
uphold. The view of subscription the PCA holds or will hold is immaterial to
this paper's position. A strict 'no exceptions' view is subsumed in any looser
view. Surely no one is going to suggest one must take exceptions to the
standards a church adopts! And the clauses on this question have not been
excised out of the PCA's edition of these documents. While past judicial
decisions may have been made that make disagreement allowable on this subject,
future decisions may come to the opposite conclusion. In the meantime, just
because disagreement has been allowed does not mean the Scriptures concerning
indifferent things can be disregarded. Note22
5. Consider Mr. Seekamp's conscience, and not merely one's own clearness of
conscience in this matter. It is unwarrantable to cause him to be grieved in the
performance of his duty to Christ, while the avoiding thereof is so easy to
accommodate. It will be no commendation at the last day that one used these
'pictures' in full persuasion of their lawfulness, if at the same time one
stumbled the least of one's brethren while using them (Rom. 14:10-13).
This paper began by dividing actions and things into categories of lawful and
unlawful. Those that are lawful are either necessary or indifferent, and those
that are indifferent in nature are either profitable or unprofitable (expedient
or inexpedient) in their use. Those actions or things that are unprofitable in
their use (in accordance with time, place, etc.) are as forbidden as those that
are unlawful in their nature.
For the sake of argument, the debate over the nature of 'representations' of
Christ was waived, although their indifference is not establishable. It was also
assumed that no one would be so bold as to argue for their necessity (at least
in this situation of meetings of presbytery). Clearly it has been shown, even if
these images are indifferent in nature, that their use is inexpedient, because
they do not meet the three rules of expedient indifferent things. Therefore,
they are as unallowable in the given situation as though they were unlawful in
their very nature.
The implications of not removing these images for the sake of a brother's
conscience are grave. God's clear commands not to stumble brethren would be
broken. It would be a refusal to remove an offense and does not show love to
brethren in the Lord, which again is a violation of God's will. In viewing the
images as more important than a brother's conscience, they cease being viewed as
simply indifferent (if indeed they are), and have become somehow necessary.
Viewing these 'representations' as necessary entangles us in superstition and
will-worship. In effect and in summary, the refusal to hear and grant this
petition would violate solemn oaths to uphold and promote the peace and purity
of Christ's church.
While Elder Seekamp and those who agree with him, hold that such images are
sinful in and of themselves, they recognize that this is not something on which
all are in agreement. Granted for the sake of argument, that those are correct
who hold that such things are indifferent, the pressing of these
'representations' on the consciences of those who believe them to be unlawful is
sinful and should not be done. It is therefore necessary to have them removed at
presbytery meetings, for the sake of the consciences of those who find them
unlawful, and for the sake of those who think them indifferent, lest by forcing
consciences in this matter they sin against their brethren.
James Durham, Concerning Scandal (Dallas: Naphtali Press, 1990).
Documents of the Synod: Study Papers and actions of the Reformed Presbyterian
Church, Evangelical Synod – 1965-1982.
George Gillespie, English Popish Ceremonies, (Dallas: Naphtali Press, 1993).
Thomas MCrie, The Unity of the Church (Dallas: Presbyterian Heritage
Publications, 1989)
Westminster Confession of Faith, 20:II; 21:I
Westminster Larger Catechism #109.
Westminster Shorter Catechism #51.
Peter Barnes, Seeing Jesus, The Case Against Pictures of Our Lord Jesus Christ
(Banner of Truth, 1990)
James Fisher, The Westminster Assembly's Shorter Catechism Explained, by way of
question and answer (Many editions), Q. #51
J. Marcellus Kik, "Pictures of Christ" (np)
John K. La Shell, "Imagination and Idol: A Puritan Tension," Westminster
Theological Journal, Fall 1987. The author does not take a complete unlawful
position regarding 'pictures' of Christ, but presents a useful discussion of the
John Murray, "Pictures of Christ," The Presbyterian Reformed Magazine, Winter
1993, pp. 186-188. Rpt. from Reformed Herald, vol. XVI, no. 9, February 1961.
Petition To N. Texas Presbytery
To: North Texas Presbytery Sessions
and Bills and Overtures Committee
Date: April 11, 1994
Dear Fellow Presbyters:
As you may well know FPCR strictly adheres to the Westminster Standards in the
firm belief the positions taken therein are correct and a true understanding of
the Scriptures. I realize that in the PCA there are great differences on the
nature of confessionalism (system vs. strict), but I am not writing to try and
convince anyone about the position to be taken on this. My present concern is a
matter of conscience and this is the reason for this letter.
I firmly believe as the Westminster standards teach, that it is a sin to make
representations of any person of the Godhead (LC 109). I know in the PCA it is
by no means uncommon to have "pictures of Christ" in churches. I know this is
the case in North Texas Presbytery. I would gladly defend the position of the
standards if asked, yet as I indicated above I'm not trying to change anyone's
opinion with this letter. I believe that attending presbytery meetings is a duty
to be taken seriously. Yet sometimes in fulfilling this duty, I find myself in
churches which have these idols (in my opinion) in plan sight. I wish to and
indeed must fulfill my duties as a ruling elder in Christ's church, yet I'm
grieved to the heart when I must do so with such images about. My request,
indeed my plea, is that when your church is to hold meetings where elders must
attend, that such images would be hidden so as not to place an offense before
those of us who object to them. In cases where such things are so prominent that
they cannot be hidden, another site should be chosen for meeting.
My purpose by this letter is not to irritate or stir up any resentment among
brethren who have such things in their church buildings. Rather, please look
upon this as an occasion to show love and charity toward an offended brother. As
you may recall, at the meeting in Gainesville there were images in stained
glass. Due to this, I felt conscience bound to leave the assembly. I have since
the meeting in Gainesville talked with Fred Guthrie by phone. He encouraged me
to bring this concern before the Presbytery.
My duty to attend presbytery, as it is now, implies a potential requirement to
break God's law (as I understand it). Since there is no command to use these, on
a ground of their indifference, could they be removed (or draped) for a season
(or another place be chosen in which to convene presbytery), so as not to
offend? If it would be the mind of presbytery to formulate such a policy, it
would [be] a great relief of concern and encouragement to me (and others) in the
performance of duties to the presbytery.
RE David Seekamp
First Presbyterian Church of Rowlett [Back]
1 The author provided this article to Elder Seekamp in support of his petition
to N. Texas Presbytery. The text of this petition follows this paper.[Back]
2 George Gillespie, English Popish Ceremonies (EPC), (Dallas: Naphtali Press,
1993), p. il.[Back]
3 "That which is lawful in the nature of it is never lawful in the use of it,
except only when it is expedient for edification, as teaches the Apostle (1 Cor.
6:12; 10:23)." EPC, p. 68. [Back]
4 EPC, pp. 413-415.[Back]
5 EPC, Ibid.[Back]
6 EPC, Ibid.[Back]
7 James Durham, Concerning Scandal (Scandal), (Dallas: Naphtali Press, 1990), p.
8 EPC, Ibid.[Back]
9 When church powers merely give their will for their reason (that is they
answer with naked authority because they cannot or will not articulate any
Scriptural reason to go along with their decisions – EPC, p. 22), they have
become tyrants over the conscience. The church does not legislate, but
adjudicates from Scripture. Giving a bare answer, such as 'What part of No do
you not understand,' is an abuse of church power. In fact, such tyranny is one
of the lawful reasons given by Thomas M'Crie to separate from the communion of a
church. The Unity of the Church (Dallas: Presbyterian Heritage Publications,
1989), p. 98. Gillespie says, "Should any synod of any church take more upon
them than the synod of the apostles did, who enjoined nothing at their own
pleasure but only what they show to be necessary, because of the law of charity
(Acts 15:28)?" See EPC, pp. 27-30.[Back]
10 EPC, p. 415.[Back]
11 James Durham says, "It is a great mistake in religion, to think that in
indifferent circumstantial things, the weak should follow the strong, and upon
that ground to undervalue the offending of them. It is quite contrary to
Scripture. The strong are to carry to the weak as men do to brittle and weak
vessels, using tenderness to them lest they be crushed." Scandal, p. 40.[Back]
12 Scandal, p. 12.[Back]
13 Durham is the authority on understanding offense. His Concerning Scandal is a
real masterpiece in this area of practical theology. His numerous distinctions
are very helpful. In this case (in keeping with the objection), covering these
images merely displeases the one group, while not covering them will actually
offend those who believe them unlawful. His rule is that we should always "look
[at] what is most expedient as to edification." Scandal, pp. 28-31.[Back]
14 "It is the Apostle's first direction (Romans 14:1), Him that is weak receive,
but not to doubtful disputations, for such breed strife, and often waken
carnalness in the contenders rather than pure zeal. And in this case it is
better for some to possess clearness in their own judgment, and to condescend in
their practice to others, than by venting their judgment unseasonably, to
confound others. That is the meaning of the word (Rom. 14:22), Hast thou faith?
that is, clearness in such a particular, have it to thyself; that is, make your
own private use of it without troubling others with the same." Scandal, p.
15 Documents of the Synod: Study Papers and actions of the Reformed Presbyterian
Church, Evangelical Synod – 1965-1982, pp. 332-350. This report does not use the
language of things indifferent, let alone seek to accommodate those who believe
images of Christ are unlawful and are offended by them; yet some of its
arguments can be clearly understood to be reasoning from their expediency or
their necessity.[Back]
16 Ibid, p. 347.[Back]
17 It is a serious flaw in the RPCES report that they neglect to deal with the
offense these images cause those who think they are unlawful. If something is
truly indifferent, it is impossible to press for its expedience when it is at
the same time a cause of offense.[Back]
18 Ibid, p. 346.[Back]
19 Ibid, p. 345.[Back]
20 The Reformed understanding of symbols is that we have a very rich heritage in
the two sacraments of Christian Baptism and the Lord's Supper. Attempting to
expand this list of symbols very much puts one on the road to instituting more
sacraments; which is of course the path the Catholics have taken.[Back]
21 Ibid, p. 346-348.[Back]
22 The only decision that comes to mind which might be thought to have a bearing
is the Report of the Special Committee of Synod on Pictures of Christ, by the
RPCES (159th GS Minutes, May 22, 1981, pp. 189-107), previously referenced. The
PCA and RPCES joined in 1982, and this document has no judicial standing as to
precedent (Preface, Documents of the Synod: Study Papers and actions of the
Reformed Presbyterian Church, Evangelical Synod – 1965-1982, edited by Paul R.
Gilchrist). It concludes images of Christ are lawful to make, but it is a
seriously flawed paper. It not only is flawed, but is wicked in the way it
treats those who would disagree with its conclusion. While it shows pastoral
concern toward those who might misuse or place an undue importance on these
images, it gives no direction on how to be sensitive and show love toward the
brethren who believe the 'pictures' are unlawful in and of themselves. And to
make this disregard and contempt of these brethren's consciences obvious, an
actual image is appended as part of the report! It is certainly interesting to
say the least that this report makes the very error it advises against, in
placing too much importance in these 'representations' in comparison to their
very brethren in the Lord. Regardless of other flaws, the report clearly
disregards Scripture's teaching on the use of things indifferent and avoiding