Articles Concerning the Church
The Old Testament
Dr. Richard Bacon
Select Thoughts
On The Temple
Dr. Richard Bacon
Thoughts On The Synagogue
Dr. Richard Bacon
Upon The Rock
Dr. W. Gary Crampton & Richard Bacon
Ministerial Assembly
Samuel Rutherford (update by Dr. Bacon)
Five Short Essays
Dr. Richard Bacon & Dr. Edwin Elliott
Simplicity, Scripture, And A
Three-Legged Stool
Christian Liberty
Jesus Versus The Rabbis
Liberty Of Conscience
Exchange Of Records
Constituting True Churches
James Durham
Answers To PCA Consensus
Various Authors.
[This series of articles is of some historical interest, in that it answers
a document that sought to restructure the Presbyterian Church in America in
1992. However, the principles set forth in the six individual articles (links
from the booklet) are of abiding interest for the subjects of worship, missions,
polity, etc.]